LANCÔME Absolue Rose Drop Night Peel. Glow, or the light that makes skin shine from the inside out, is one of the most searched-for beauty terms online. It’s become a main component of beauty. From catwalk models to yoga and health gurus, everyone is sporting glowing skin. But this is no short-term trend; in fact, the glow has become an outside sign of success. Radiant skin signals a balanced life and a fulfilling lifestyle. It has now become more than a beauty ideal. It’s an ideal for life that all women want to achieve.
Without a doubt, one of the factors that helps regenerate the skin’s glow is sleep. But not every hour in the night is as helpful as the next. Indeed, optimal skin regeneration and cell renewal, in which the signs of fatigue are replaced with a glowing complexion, takes place between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. It’s important to sleep well during this period. However, when we’re living life in the fast lane and starting the next day’s tasks the evening before we go to bed, it can often be impossible to establish a natural rhythm. As a result, your complexion loses its glow.

LANCÔME Absolue Rose Drop Night Peel
Absolue, the last Lancôme range created by the French House, Armand Petitjean, in 1965, continues to advance its legendary reputation and that of its star ingredient, the rose, through incredibly sophisticated products that are also adapted to the way women lead their lives today. To allow skin to regenerate itself no matter how well you sleep, Absolue developed a new product, Absolue Precious Cells – Rose Drop. This concentrated peel designed for evening use features a rose-based nourishing oil that leaves skin feeling soft and clean, boasting a refined texture, and glowing with health.
The golden hours
In a world where everything happens at warp speed, each second counts. While many women are successfully adapting to life in the fast lane, they often struggle with getting enough sleep. Even though sleep plays a fundamental role in health, we often forget it. In point of fact, we sleep two hours fewer than we did sixty years ago.1 What’s worse is that we often stay awake during the most important time of the night, the “golden hours” between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.
The numbers speak for themselves:
– 56% of American women and 31% of European women report having trouble sleeping several times per week.2
– In China, 32% of women report being very impacted by a lack of sleep.3
The first few hours of sleep let the body complete the essential functions involved with recovery, including regulating the body’s metabolism, improving the immune system, repairing damage sustained during the day, and replacing cells. These mechanisms are responsible for healthy, balanced, and glowing skin.
LANCÔME Absolue Rose Drop Night Peel
By reducing this period each day, we deprive the skin of an optimal and profound period of regeneration. The skin recovers less completely and becomes dull. The face looks tired in the morning and is now longer glowing.
On counter March 2018. RRP $215