This weekend I said goodbye to summer with a camping trip to Sequoia National Park. See my packing list here. Among all the clothes I brought along, I packed a dress in case I could fit in a quick photo-op. Actually, I brought it because I had plans to go to Mass just a little ways away from the campsite, but it didn’t work out. It almost ruined my Sunday except that I got back in time for a late late Mass at Marilyn’s church. Phew!
Anyway, I used the dress anyway to get some nice photos walking in the river! The water was super cold, which was good because it was the only thing that could relieve the pain from fire ant bites on my toes. Ooouuuch.

I packed this dress because it was light and doesn’t wrinkle easily, making it relatively hassle free. Looking at these pictures, I’m starting to think this dress is too short for Mass anyway, so I suppose it’s good I went home first.

The rest of my long weekend included dinner/drinks with some awesome people, a fun concert (which I will post about soon) in which I got to see some friends of mine perform, and a Labor Day BBQ that included good food, a football game, some rounds of backyard volleyball, a pinata, and some dancing. I didn’t take many pictures because I was too busy having fun! What a wonderful way to say goodbye to my summer and welcome in the fall.
On another note, what fall trends are you excited for? I’m making a list now as we speak.