Charity Magazine

Labels For Education

Posted on the 18 October 2013 by Mregina @justfundraising

Labels for Education

By clipping and keeping the UPC codes from assorted products you can be helping with school fundraising. The Labels for Education program works with public and private schools(K-12) and home school associations (K-12) to help schools with supplies. To participate snip the UPC codes from everyday products like Bic Pens, Campbell Soups, Chunky Soups, Glad bags, Pace Salsas and more. The whole list can be found here.

What can you get for all your hard work eating and using these products? You can pick from a collection of 390 products divided between  Arts, Athletics and Academics items.  The prize catalogue is extensive with items that range from little items like tiny rubber animals for little kids to IMAC systems and camcorders for school usage. Items cover not just student use but compact refrigerators, folding chairs and tables and smart boards for the teachers.  The full Labels for Education product catalog can be found in pdf format on this page.

Although it’s great to see businesses come up with school fundraising ideas like this, I find some of the point values for the products rather high. Every UPC code is worth a point so a simple book starting around 500 is considerable! Gel pens for 1150 (!) and a beverage container to dump Gatorade on the coach costs 4250! WOW no wonder the entire community is asked to get involved! However the flip side is that this is good for both the businesses and schools, so there’s no harm done.

To see if your school is currently enrolled or to sign up, click here.

It takes a lot of people getting involved to financially keep schools running these days so it’s great to see corporations and associations table ideas and solutions that help everyone.

So now it’s your turn, you tell us, has your school used this fundraiser? With the entire school contributing, did the points add up quickly? Drop a comment and let us know if you thought it was an effective school fundraising program.

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