6.0 La Rallonge, 16, rue Eugene Sue in the 18th,, open Tuesday-Saturday from 7 PM for small plates/Basque-Spain-esesque tapas has been open four weeks and already on a lazy/hazy Tuesday night is packed with a variety of locals and folks attracted by the food at the Mothership. Mostly Bobo's, it registered a 75.8 dB.

So -
- gambas ravioles
- sardines on aurbergines
- big blue gambas
- Daurade cru
- Tomato on bread with lottsa garlic
- Manchego
- Joue de boeuf
- Chipirons, eggplant, squash and carrots
- charcuterie
- Chocolate mousse
- Rice pudding.

Go? If you're Mangeur, seeking treats out of the central city, surwe. But if you live 500 meters away, it'll serve as a "cook's night out" possibility.