Lifestyle Magazine

Kirstie Allsopp’s Vintage Home Wedding Calligraphy

By Claire

I love Kirstie — she’s inspir­ing, funny and has done so much to raise the pro­file of crafts in the UK, from bak­ing to mosaics and scare­crows… and when I heard (on the phone) that she was mak­ing a pro­gramme about a crafty vin­tage wed­ding I was over the moon!

Espe­cially as there was a chance she’d use some of my cal­lig­ra­phy.

Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home Wed­ding — com­ing soon!

For now, every­thing is under wraps. Kirstie her­self has tweeted one photo of the day, say­ing she’s not allowed to share more. It’s a tan­ta­lis­ing glimpse into Amy and Craig’s wed­ding styling and I can’t wait to see close ups!

How­ever — I am allowed to tell you that I was asked to write cal­lig­ra­phy on the wed­ding name tags. I took pho­tos of the tags before I sent them to the wed­ding venue, and used a lit­tle cre­ative license to pretty them up, loosely wrap­ping them around flow­ers from my par­ents’ garden!

Calligraphy for Kirstie's vintage home wedding

My cal­lig­ra­phy, for Kirstie Allsopp’s Vin­tage Home Wed­ding pro­gramme — with red rose

Calligraphy for Kirstie's vintage home wedding

Cal­lig­ra­phy tags for Kirstie’s Vin­tage Home Wed­ding, with pop­pies, but­ter­cups and lavender

Calligraphy for Kirstie's vintage home wedding

The bride’s place set­ting wrapped around grasses, laven­der and buttercups

Calligraphy for Kirstie's vintage home wedding

My cal­lig­ra­phy, for Kirstie Allsopp’s Vin­tage Home Wed­ding pro­gramme — with hydrangea

I think these are a bit Kirstie-like, don’t you? I can’t wait to see the real thing though…

My huge thanks to Kirstie All­sopp, to lovely Jamie Stimp­son (Kirstie’s Cre­ative Direc­tor) for ask­ing me to get involved, and to my Mum & Dad for the flow­ers. Watch out for the book — I’m cross­ing my fin­gers, arms, legs, eyes and toes in the hope there’ll be a bit of my cal­lig­ra­phy in there!

I will let you all know when the series is going to be on, and when the book will be out. I can’t wait!

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