I know talking about Christmas already is really early seeing as we haven't even had Halloween yet, but with the house move and being pregnant I want to get organised early. Sienna's birthday is first on the 8th November however I think I'm mainly done for that so I have started thinking about Christmas. Once that is done, I can start on doing the baby's room ready for February, exciting!
I love giving Sienna a stocking at the end of her bed as it's a lovely tradition but I like to keep the cost down. I have been racking my brains for stocking fillers for Sienna and thought I'd put together a little ideas list.
I'm going to get Sienna a cute little tube of pencils and maybe some notebooks or little colouring books. She has really got into colouring lately and will actually sit and do it for a good amount of time so it will be good to have. I also think things like the dominoes or the magnet game are good to get as they can be great to keep for traveling or to pull out on rainy days. For older kids I love the water game.. I used to have one when I was little! I found it on stocking fillers.. they have a great range of cheap stocking fillers so that's worth a look!
Other ideas I have are pyjamas, wooden vehicles/cars, dress up bits and bobs, bath flutes and the little horse torch I found on Amazon, I think she will love it! I will also add in some little treats like Christmas chocolate or sweets.
What are your ideas for stocking fillers?
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