Unless you've been living under a rock, you know I'm writing a book. (You can find the Facebook page HERE.) I'm not doing it alone, either. I have gathered some simply brilliant minds to help. Hey, when you know brilliant people, you enlist them to help you create a brilliant book. I'm no dummy!
We're close to being ready to publish, too. This is huge!
Why am I bugging you about this? Because I have a Kickstarter campaign that has launched and I need YOUR help to give what you can and share all over the place so often it makes your weakest link unfriend you. That's right, I have no shame! Tell your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle's pet frog's cousin's owner, and your barber. Tell everyone! It won't be for nothing, I promise you. If I don't raise the minimum goal of $15,000, not a dime comes out of your pocket and I go away and hang my head. If I raise my minimum goal, you get to choose your reward based on the amount you pledged. It doesn't get much better than this!
My Kickstarter can be found by clicking HERE.
Contributors include:
Maria of Barrel of Oranges
Corissa of Gender Neutral Parenting
Stephanie of Inspired Flow
Yolande of Bauhauswife
Raphael of Hashtag Consulting, Conscious Parenting Magazine, and formerly of Zen Dads
Zach formerly of Zen Dads
Melissa of Intuitive Behavioral and Educational Strategies
Samantha of Love Parenting
Cherie of Beautiful Breastfeeding
Jodi of Placenta Benefits
and more!
These people are some of the most well-researched, intelligent, critically thinking minds I've ever encountered. To have them write portions of my book is an honor and a privilege for me. I could not be more grateful.
Enough gushing. More pleading. Give what you can, share everywhere and often, enlist your friends to do the same. Need the link again? HERE you go!