Food & Drink Magazine

Keto Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie | Ketogenic Diet Menu Plan

By Kadirboy

Keto Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie RecipeContaining abundance of fat and protein this keto friendly vanilla marshmallow smoothie can be a perfect start of a day. Besides the fact that, this vanilla marshmallow smoothie is very sweet, creamy and a very satisfying drink it is also keto friendly and super easy to make and a healthy option for a snack, a quick breakfast or a dessert.

The marshmallow taste in this recipe comes from the gelatin in it. Gelatin contains the same amino acids in collagen so they are very similar. They are both healthy and gelatin has many health benefits.

Gelatin helps losing, controlling blood sugar, improving skin health, digesting. Because it is made from animal bones and cartilage there are plenty of amino acids in gelatin and these amino acids provides energy.

Also because of the fact that it is hard for you to consume animal bones. Gelatin can be a great and nutritious option on a ketogenic diet. And moreover by using vanilla beans in this recipe you can make your smoothie more comforting and relaxing drink. Vanilla beans are also very healthy too. The antioxidants in vanilla beans helps shielding the immune system, decreasing stress and helps you to be relaxed.

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By making this recipe with all these healthy ingredients you can have a sweet, relaxing and most importantly keto friendly smoothie for yourself.

Keto Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie

Keto Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie | Ketogenic Diet Menu Plan

Containing abundance of fat and protein this keto friendly vanilla marshmallow smoothie can be a perfect start of a day. It is also keto friendly and super easy to make and a healthy option for a snack, a quick breakfast or a dessert.  

  • 1 scraped vanilla bean
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp chia
  • 3 cups ice
  • 2 tbsp collage hydrosolate
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  1. Put all the ingredients in the blender.

  2. Blend until all smooth. 

  3. Enjoy it!



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