Fashion Magazine

Keith Haring Has Inspired Me

By Cleverbuttons @cleverbuttons

Hi All,

So I woke up this morning, on lets face it, a crappy gray Friday – it’s May and it still feels like January!!! So I got to work, checked my emails and gave a sigh, then I opened Google and smiled at the bright, colourful and heart warming Google doodle for the day – it was a homage in memory to an artist that I studied closely at university – the late and great Keith Haring!

Haring was a profound artist in the 70′s and 80′s up to his death in 1990 of an Aids related illness. His work inspired fashion, music and well people and I feel that it should be celebrated here!

I have put together this mood board pf my favorite colourful pieces that make me smile!!!

Love and hugs xx

Keith Haring has Inspired me

Image from Google images


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