Health Magazine

Keep Back Pain Away with These Simple Yet Effective Exercises

Posted on the 11 March 2014 by Health_news

Keep Back Pain Away with these Simple Yet Effective Exercises

Back pain is something almost everyone encounters at least once in their lifetime. It is one of the most common forms of pain experienced by people. With our lifestyle becoming less active and more sedentary and revolving around the desk, back pain has been growing in enormous proportions. It is estimated that about 10% of all people who visit a doctor for pain related complaints are those who have some or the other form of back pain. Medicinal treatments are often ineffective or short-lived. Exercise can strengthen back muscles and alleviate back pain.

Following are a few simple exercises that will help ease your back pain effectively

  • Touching the toes-One of the best forms of exercise for back pain is simple stretching forward. Bending and stretching your upper body in the forward direction while in a sitting position is a gentle exercise that soothes the lower back pain and increases the elasticity and blood-flow in the region. You should ideal try to touch your toes with your hands. This exercise should be performed gently and with caution. You should avoid any sudden forward jerks or stretching beyond your capacity. Don’t worry if you are not able to touch the toes. You will be able to comfortably do so as your lower back, legs and overall body becomes more flexible.
  • Knees to chest-This is another simple yet effective exercise that offers a gentle massage to your lower back and improves its flexibility. Lie on your back in a comfortable position breathe deeply for a few moments. Slowly lift your knees and bend the legs comfortably at the knees while your feet comfortably resting on the floor. Lift the legs off the floor slowly and bring your knees towards your chest. Hold your legs with your arms as if you are hugging them close to your chest. Comfortably hold the position for a few moments while continuing to breathe deeply and then slowly bring your legs down to their original position.
  • Sit-ups and crunches-Sit ups and crunches, if performed properly can help prevent back pain by strengthening the muscles of your abdomen as well as back. It is important to do sit-ups or crunches gently and you should avoid any jerks to the body. Lie on your back with your legs bent comfortably at your knees. Put your hands behind your neck or back of your head or folded on your chest and slowly lift your upper body. While doing sit-ups, you should lift your entire upper body above the waist. When performing crunches, you should lift only the upper back off the ground keeping the lower back grounded.
  • Pelvic lift-This is another effective exercise for your lower back that will not only improve its flexibility but will also strengthen the muscles of your back, legs, hamstrings, and abdomen. Lie on the ground on your back bend your legs at the knees while resting your feet on the ground. Keep your arms on the sides for support. Slowly lift your buttocks off the ground as far as you comfortably can. Feel the stretch and gentle strain in your legs, lower back and abdomen. Keep the position for a few moments and then slowly lower your buttocks back to the original resting position.

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