Fox News reports that a man was arrested in Colorado for “drunk riding” of a horse, while en route to his brother’s wedding, 600 miles away in Utah.
3 Worse Arrests That Could Happen Riding A Horse
1. Allegedly violating “No shoes, no shirt, no service,” rule while riding a horse into a convenience store to buy some beer. Horses have shoes! Total rip-off!
2. Riding a horse to a wedding in Utah, where the horse’s two mare wives were both invited to the party! Not only will it be awkward for the horse to explain to each mare about his secret other marriage, how are you gonna get a ride home when your horse has been arrested for polygamy?
3. Getting arrested for drunk riding a horse on a merry-go-round. How drunk are you? You are never going to make it to that wedding at this rate, by the way!