Okay, this one's a pretty long one. Granted. If you'll recall, last month's playlist was 10 tracks maximum, this one's a good 23. Nevertheless, there has been a lot of good music this month, that I've been dying to share.
I'm not going to babble on about all of them, I'll really just let the music speak for itself (corny). But, here are the highlights.

Kill The Zo (pictured above). a.k.a. Kill the Noise and Mat Zo's gorgeous dubstep trance lovechild. This track is their only official release at the moment, but if it's anything to go by, this collab is going to be huge. These boys are actually playing The Nest in London on July 9th, and I'm dying to go, but unfortunately, living an 8hr bus ride from the capital isn't ideal.
Porter Robinson. Lionhearted is my absolute favourite track of the moment. If you were around last Monday you'll have already grown tired of me babbling about how amazing Porter is, when I talked a little about his Essential Mix on Radio 1. I am incredibly excited for his album coming in August, and the tour in October!

Calvin Harris' Summer has been absolutely destroyed by the radio as of late. Still an amazing track, but one I've gotten a little tired of hearing absolutely everywhere. Diplo (pictured) & Grandtheft have teamed up and put their own little spin on the track, a really refreshing one at that. I'm in love with this remix.
Riff Raff's album dropped this month! I've been waiting on Neon Icon for like forever, and in typical Katie fashion, I still haven't checked it out. However, I did check out this track, KoKayne, which is currently one of my favourite songs.

deadmau5's new album, while (1<2) however, is one I checked out immediately after release. There's not a lot of it on SoundCloud, as deadmau5 (pictured), as we all know is a bit anti-establishment. But I managed to find this rip of the debut play of Avaritia on British radio, from Pete Tong's show.
David Heartbreak had one of my favourite EPs from last year. hard hitting heavy dub step and hip hop infused melodies with incredible singalong pieces and mellow and melodic styles added into the mix. Rebel is from his latest EP, which again, I haven't fully checked out, but if it's anything like this track, by the time I get around to it, I'll be kicking myself I didn't listen sooner.
I'm back on ASAP Rocky this month. His music always hits me in phases, one month I'll not fancy it at all, and a few weeks later it's all I want to listen to. This month, my new favourite song by ASAP is Fashion Killa. Hence. Playlist.

Grimes (pictured) is back with a new release this month, teaming up with her best pal Blood Diamonds, for the incredible ' Go '. This is one I cannot stop repeating.
By no means ignore any of the tracks I haven't mentioned, though. They're all there for a reason!

Tuesday 1 July 2014, 3:08pm