Hair & Beauty Magazine

July Favourites

By Georginacallen @georginacallen
July Favourites Apologies about the stock photo's my camera is failing massively at the moment and I can't afford a shiny new one so whilst I sort something out this will have to do. I did a massive Yves Rocher haul a few weeks ago and I've been loving lots of my purchases but the main reason I even headed to the site was to buy the full size Yves Rocher Sexy Pulp Mascara normally £17.90 currently £8.95. I adored the trial version I received in a glossybox months and months ago and when it all dried up I had to get the full size - it's easily one of the best mascara's I've ever used and for its current half price tag it's perfect. 
Still loving Palmers purifying face mask £5.99 it's perfect for break out days which seem to be happening pretty frequently right now. I raved about the Smashbox Eyebrow Trio £17 just days ago and it's a firm July favorite which has been used every single day this month. An old favourite Original Source Showergel Raspberry & Vanilla £1.15 has sneaked it's way back in I don't really know why I try any other shower gels if I'm honest as this one is just perfect. Finally the Traditional Tiare Oil Yves Rocher £5.95 was a freebie in my Yves Rocher haul and I just adore it. It's a gorgeous coconut scented oil that I love drenching my hair in before bed - when you wash it out in the morning the scent sticks around leaving you with shiny coconut scented hair all day long. If I'm being picky I would love a pump on this but it's definitely something I have gotten over as I've been using it all month long.  July Favourites

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