Art & Design Magazine

Joan Miro: ¿his Most Valuable Abstract Art Painting?

By Yasoypintor @antoniobasso

Blue abstract art painting: Joan Miro and some others.

Joan Miro´s Etoile Bleu abstract painting will be auctioned in a couple of weeks. It seems it will mark a new Joan Miro´s price record for one of his abstract art paintings.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor, Joan Miró

So what????

Why, how and when Joan Miró used the blue color?. What other abstract art artists have used it too?. What does blue color mean?.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

From 1925 to 1927 Joan Miró painted about 100 paintings know as “Dream Paintings”. These astonishing abstract paintings, so loved by the surrealists of that time, are charectirized by monochrome backgrounds populated by a few forms not always recognizible. Joan Miró painted from the hallucinations he had by not eating or eating not that much. He said “hallucinations substituted the exterior model. I painted like if I was dreaming, absolutelly free. My paintings from that period and mainly those with blue background, are the most empty ones I have ever painted”.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor, Joan Miró

The above is one of my prefs. It´s named Bleu II (I wrote a post about it just after seeing it for the first time). It was painted almost 40 yrs after the “Dream paintings” shown at the beggining of this post.

Take your time and carefully watch the above abstract paintings. What do you feel? It seems that sculptor Michel Leires, compared the gradual simplification of details with the emptying of Eastern meditation practices that lead to the contemplation of the void.

What I like the most of these Joan Miro´s abstract paintings are their simplification, depht, the power of less is more, and Joan Miro´s total free attitude toward painting, which as you all know is not that easy to achieve.

In the following pictures, you will see some examples of both nonabstract and abstract art paintings whose main color is blue. Enjoy them and join the conversation at the end of this post.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

Picasso was master using blue color. Take a look at the background of this painting.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

What about this spectacular and enigmatic Robert Motherwell´s blue painting?

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

….. and the above Barnett Newsman´s or the below Brice Marden?

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

Rothko, used the blue color in many of his abstract paintings. He mastered the way of getting attractive and different blue tones.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor,

Another good example I have found is the above Ad Reinhardt´s blue abstract painting.

blue abstract painting, abstract art painting, abstract artists, yasoypintor, Antonio Basso

And finally, this enigmatic Antonio´s Basso (me) painting called “Blue Sequence“. It´s a commission I received 2 yrs ago while still painting figurative.

I want to finish this post sharing with you some of the attributes of the Blue color I have found: Infinite, communication, depht, calm, espiritual world, for the budists it´s the color of void, the color of spiritual awakening, tenderness, security, potentiates intelectual activities, lightweight feeling, stimulates persnality, parsimony, sanity…..

What else would you add about Joan Miro blue abstract paintings?. What else would you add about the Blue color?. What other abstract artists you know have used the Blue color?

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By Chadryniel Psalmuel Rosello
posted on 16 October at 15:38

Id rather buy cars than his paintings.. admit it its not that good.

By Laura Santoro
posted on 08 July at 04:32

I must have been in a bleu phase when I was about 5 years old. I can remember some of the paintings I did when I was in kindergarten. Some of my work was strikingly similar to some of the work shown above.