It’s fall! It’s fall! And though our days are still hot as ever, our evenings have cooled down enough for long sleeves! I got this blouse at a Salvation Army back in July for only $2.50. Score! But the deep emerald hcolor didn’t scream summer to me, and I’ve been waiting patiently to feature it. I paired it with white pants to further emphasize the vintage blouse’s rich hue. Gold jewelry goes so well with green tones, so I wore a gold statement necklace with it. I luckily had a pair of earings that are teal with gold details – perfect! My friend commented how although the earrings were mostly hidden by my long hair, light played off the gold just enough to catch the eye’s attention. It’s all in the details.

Blouse – thrifted | Pants – Express (old) | Pumps – Marshall’s) | Necklace – New york & Co. | Earings – Forever 21 (old) | Clutch – Express (old)
Oh! I also want to point out that today is the feast day of the Guardian Angels in the Catholic Church! I just wanted to give a shout out because my guardian angel has played such a major role in my faith journey. These days people depict our angels as nothing more than fairy-like. You know, a fictional helper-character that brings you a bit of goodness in the midst of some inconvenient experience (think, toothfairy). When I was little I had an umbrella with an angel on it and I always imagined mine to be by my side, jumping in puddles and twirling in the rain with me.
It’s an endearing memory, but our angels are SO much more than that! They are our personal spiritual warriors, placed in our lives to protect us from harm – spiritually and physically. To be our friends for all of eternity. To love us unconditionally and bring us closer to our God in Heaven! Think about it – their mission from God is our salvation.
That’s a pretty big deal.
And after all that I’ve been through – whether they be situations beyond my control or ones I stupidly place myself in – my angel never ceased fighting for me. In fact, if it were a job, I think mine deserves a raise. Just sayin’.
I’m blessed with the awareness of some major incidents in my life when my warrior angel protected me from harm, but I don’t think any of us can fathom the extent of their works in our lives. So I just wanted to shout out to mine in particular today. I haven’t forgotten you, my dear friend.
Disclaimer – I’m aware that to a non-Catholic, all this angels talk may sound a bit crazy. So be it! I hope you all enjoy the read anyway. <3