Jason seems more like a character in a true crime novel than as a writer in the real world, but he is.
Jason Cook - The True Crime Author
Jason Cook is a former gangster's runner who due to peer pressure; became a drug addict at the age of twelve years old.Within five years he was a face in London's underworld for all the wrong reasons.
Jason fully admits he became hooked on drugs, which led to him selling drugs from his bedroom and on the streets to pay off his growing drugs debts to local dealers.
Soon he was faced with a situation he couldn't get out of.
In trouble with Yardies; he was forced to smuggle drugs in order to save his friends and family from danger.
Introduced by chance to gangsters of London's underworld and their overseas criminal activities; he soon became a gangster's runner.
At the age of 20 he was heavily involved in the drugs world and he was also taking steroids to build himself up.
The young man with a sizeable drug habit was now being used to collect money from drug dealers on behalf of the gangsters who supplied them. Along with reducing his own debts he would also be paid in drugs for collecting money from other dealers. Jason was soon arrested and spent 3 years and 9 months in HM Pentonville Prison where drugs use was also prevalent.Some will be able to relate to Jason's story, some readers will be intrigued, some will learn a lesson to not get involved in drugs and some will enjoy reading about his true life story.
Jason Cook was born in Hackney, London but eventually moved to Borehamwood and he has five children.Here is a link to his virtual bookstore: http://www.authorjasoncook.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.htmlAnd here is his film production link: http://www.authorjasoncook.com/films.htmlAnd you can Tweet to him here: @AuthorJasonCook