According to an ABC News report, a Japanese man has won a lawsuit against a hospital in Japan for accidentally switching him at birth for another baby in 1953. The error was discovered after members of the right (and wealthy!) family did some DNA testing of a brother who did not look like the rest of the family.
The main claimed damages resulting from living in a life of poverty, whereas if the mix-up had not happened, he would have been part of a wealthy family. He reportedly was award the equivalent of over $400,000 US in damages by a Tokyo court.
3 Questions That Arise From This Story
1. Why don’t these things ever happen to the Kardashians? Their batting average of retail success might jump if they could just trade Rob, the family purveyor of branded socks, to another family.
2. Why hasn’t this story line already worked its way into an Adam Sandler movie? He could, of course, play both unrelated brothers, to save studios having to hire two actors. Sure, they would look the same, making the DNA testing seem suspect, but it still might be more entertaining than Jack and Jill.
3. Why hasn’t this story line already worked its way into a Tyler Perry movie? Now we’re on to something! Baby girl Madea, played by Tyler Perry could be mixed up with baby girl Martin Lawrence in a movie we would pitch as Big Madea’s House?*
*The question mark would be part of our pitched title, because audiences wouldn’t know whose house it really was until the surprise ending.