Friday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs 10:50p-ESPN 2.0/4.2 NBA Playoffs 8:05p-ESPN 1.3/3.2NHL Semi Finals-NBCS .8/1.9
Amerian Dad-Adult Swim .7/1.7
Sons of Guns-Discovery .6/1.3
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5 Family Guy-FOX 2.2/4.3
Resurrection-ABC 2.0/7.8Once Upon a Time-ABC 2.0/6.7
The Simpsons-FOX 1.9/4.2
The Amazing Race-CBS 1.7/8.0
Sunday's Cable Top 5 NA
Sunday's Top 5 Nielsen Twitter Ratings The Real Housewives of Atlanta-Bravo 252,000 Tweets
WWE Extreme Rules-PPV 218,000 Tweets
Game of Thrones-HBO 90,000 Tweets
Cosmos-FOX 29,000 Tweets
Mad Men-AMC 20,000 Tweets
Top 5 DVR'ed Shows for the week of 4/14/14-4/20/14
Grey's Anatomy-ABC From a 2.6 to a 4.4 (+69%)
Scandal-ABC From a 3.4 to a 4.9 (+44%)
The Following-FOX From a 1.4 to a 2.8 (+100%)
Person of Interest-CBS From a 1.8 to a 2.8 (+56%)
NCIS-CBS From a 2.2 to a 3.2 (+45%)
Jack is BACK. 41 minutes before he even uttered his first words but we could tell that he was still a kick ass mother f'er! Of course it's been 4 years since we last saw Jack and Chloe. Jack's been hiding out. Everyone thinks he's a traitor and a terrorist, but of course that's ridiculous. Benjamin Bratt's running CTU London which looks identical to CTU L.A. In every season of 24 I've ever watched, the head of CTU is a d*ck who doesn't listen to his team and loses the bad guy. Benjamin Bratt was no exception to the rule. Of course there's also always someone within CTU that totally knows what's going on and knows that Jack Bauer is THE MAN. In this case it's a blond chick named Kate who was just leaving when Jack showed up. William Devane is the current President. He's got early Alzheimer's, his son-in-law is his Chief of Staff and his daughter, AUDREY, is Jack's ex. Of course she is. Jack intentionally allowed CTU to take him in so that he could rescue Chloe who'd been bound and drugged for a while. All she needed was a shot of adrenaline and she was able to walk, figure computer stuff out, and get back on board with Jack within the hour. No chit chat, no "how ya been's?" no bathroom breaks, no food, not even a Red Bull, just coordinates and passwords and she's raring to go. Some dude in a drug den named Derek Yates has created the ability to take over our Stealth planes and blow up whatever anyone wants and guess who he's selling it to? Forget it, you'll never guess...Catelyn Stark! Of course the whore Derek's been hangin with couldn't be trusted. He should know from Jack and Chloe...NEVER PEE!!!! He had to go, she stuck a knife in his ear, took the case with the "thing" in it and was on her way to her Mom just so happened to be...Catelyn Stark. Love that! Jack and Chloe need to find them and once again save the President, Audrey and all of us. He won't eat, he won't sleep, he won't rest till the job is done. Yeah Jack is BACK!
Louis For the longest time, I've been hearing and reading that Louis C.K.'s show is "genius." I'd never seen it before last night. Louis was on Howard Stern yesterday and there was nothing on after 24, so I decided to give Louis 30 minutes of my time. I sort of felt like I owed it to him for some reason. I didn't get it. It was Portlandia all over again. I didn't laugh, I waited to laugh and it never happened. The show reminded me a lot of Seinfeld Season 1 when Jerry still did his stand-up, but…no laughs. Not from me. What's up guys? You guys in to Louis? Is it me? What's SO genius about him and his show? Am I missing something?
-Some renewal news for everyone. The first one, I'm TOTALLY psyched about...Orange is the New Black's second season hasn't even premiered yet and we are good to go for Season 3! That's a good sign. WGN gave Salem a second season and HBO is bringing back The Comeback for a 6th season.
-Starting this Friday…FREE SHOWTIME for the entire weekend. Check out shows like Nurse Jackie, Californication, Homeland, Ray Donovan, Masters of Sex and the season premiere of Penny Dreadful (which I'm not watching). FREE!!! Everyone loves FREE!
Tuesday's Trivia Question: To honor all the Mom's out there, this week I'm naming the kids and you name the awesome Mom! Reece, Dewey & Malcolm
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]