FIRST FIVE: Mike O'Dea, Karen Feldman, Tom Burr, Phyllis DiCesare & Justin Jones
Honorable Mention: Karen Hadley Friday's Cable Top 5 Gold Rush-Discovery 1.4/3.6WWE Friday Night Smackdown-Syfy .9/3.1
Modern Family-USA .8/1.5
Bering Sea Gold-Discovery .8/2.1
NBA-ESPN .7/1.6
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
NFL Broncos/Patriots-NBC 8.8/23.9
Football Night in America-NBC 6.3/18.8
The Simpsons-FOX 2.9/6.6
Family Guy-FOX 2.2/4.5
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
American Music Awards-ABC 4,895,570NFL Broncos/Patriots-NBC 417,305
Family Guy-FOX 63,757
Mira Quien Baila-Univision 52,728
The Mentalist-CBS 51,862
Sunday's Cable Top 5
NASunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
The Walking Dead-AMC 195,648The Real Housewives of Atlanta-Bravo 27,493
Total Divas-E! 18,298
Boardwalk Empire-HBO 14,042
Long Island Medium-TLC 12,939
Sunday's Top 5 Nielsen Primetime Twitter Ratings
American Music Awards-ABC 7,602,600 Tweets
The Walking Dead -AMC 205,200 Tweets
WWE Survivor Series-PPV 123,400 Tweets
Family Guy-FOX 46,400 Tweets
Homeland-Showtime 8,300 Tweets
Top 5 DVR'ed shows for the week of 11/4/13-11/10/13
The Big Bang Theory-CBS From a 4.9 to a 7.5 (+53%)Blacklist-NBC From a 2.9 to a 5.2 (+79%)
Grey's Anatomy-ABC From a 2.7 to a 4.6 (+70%)
Sleepy Hollow-FOX From a 2.5 to a 4.3 (+72%)
S.H.I.E.L.D-ABC From 2.5 to a 4.2 (+68%)
How I Met Your Mother
This was the episode, the one where they rhymeOn the bus to the wedding Marvin and Marshall passing time
Marvin would cry if the words didn't flow
So good Daddy Marshall gave it a go
The first story he told was about his friend Ted
Looking for "The One" but we know where it lead
A pretty girl with cleavage said she dated a Yankee
Ted tried to guess which one and got kinda cranky
It was Barney of course and not Derek Jeter
There's goes another one, he'd get up and leave her
Robin's story was next don't know what to make
bumped into her ex and ate his wedding cake
The guys name was Simon but to you James Van Der Beak
Remember Joey and Pacey his friends from the Creek?
Robin ate the whole cake and drank beer upside down
Then got her stomach pumped which I'm sure made her frown.
The last tale was Barney's who played all the parts
Had a meeting downtown that's where it all starts
He screwed the wrong girl and was called to the club
The meeting was in a townhouse, not McClarens Pub
We know Barney's stories they are never true
But the entire show rhymed and Marvin slept through
Hart of Dixie
Look, I know there are Jews everywhere, I do, but Blue Bell Alabama? I really didn't think there were ANY there! I mean sure Joel moved in to be with Zoey, resulting in a visit from Joel's Grandma Sylvie who came down from NYC and wanted to make a big Hanukkah dinner. I didn't see her get off the plane, so maybe she brought a menorah, some candles and that Hanukkah apron with her, but where in the world did she get the latke kit, the dreidels and the CHALLAH? No way they have Challah in Blue Bell. Now of course there are Hanukkah miracles so maybe one fell off a truck or something but ya gotta admit...it's a stretch. Of course in addition to Hanukkah there had to be something going on in the town square and this week, Danielle Bradbury was singing "Heart of Dixie" at this years Harvest Festival complete with hay maze. Lots went on in that maze too. Wade bumped in to Tanzy who helped him with his fear of the dentist by giving him a Xanax. After the cavity was filled, he wandered into the maze at the EXACT same time that Zoey was in there looking for Grandma and Brando Wilkes, who were snuggling. (Five points if you can connect Brando Wilkes and Barney Stinson) A wasted Wade planted a great big kiss on Zoey's lips that had her spinning. Wade made Tanzy a deal, he'd start upgrading the women he dates if she'd quit the job she hates. Soooo he hired Tanzy and drove Zoey's cousin Vivian Wilkes home from Hanukkah dinner. Oh, forgot that part of the story. Vivian and Zoey made up and Vivian and the Wilkes clan showed up for some Hanukkah fun. Completely unrelated to the Hanukkah storyline, Shelby's NOT having Bricks baby and George is definitely still in love with Tanzy which means trouble for Lindley which means trouble for LaVon.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
I really need to get a life, I really do. I've got to quit watching this show. It's time. My DVR is JAMMED with a ton of great shows to watch. I've got Strike Back on my Cinemax App and Alpha House on Amazon and what did I devote and hour to last night instead of all that good stuff? Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Here's what I witnessed: Brandi and Carlton shopping for lingerie. The entire cast in leotards with camel toes at circus school. Everyone fought with each other. Brandi started with Kyle, Joyce started with Lisa, Lisa started with Kyle and Kim started with Yolanda. Every ones complaints are about NOTHING! OMG these woman are so freaking annoying. Best parts of the episode were: Yolanda's closet, learning that Lisa's new puppy's name, Rumpy Pumpy, means butt sex according to Urban Dictionary, and that Kyle calls her private part a "tweeter." OY VEY!
News & Information:
-A&E renewed Longmire for a 3rd season. Name Longmire's first name.
-E! renewed Total Divas, Hello Ross & Eric & Jessie all for a second season 2.
-I don't watch Dr. Who, but a TON of you guys do and so do a ton of your friends, and so on and so on and so on. (Name that ad campaign.) Anyway, on Saturday night, the Dr. Who 50th anniversary special delivered 3.6 million viewers for BBC America. That's pretty impressive.
Tuesday's Trivia Question: The Brady Bunch made a Thanksgiving movie about the Pilgrims and the Indians. Who was the director?
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