Family Magazine

It’s War and Peace, Toddler Style!

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer
It’s War and Peace, Toddler Style!

Here’s a little tiff we prepared earlier!

Baby Girl and I are visiting very dear friends for the weekend and it’s always such a lovely time when we get to see them. The two girls are only 9 months apart in age and get dreadfully and almost unbearably excited about an upcoming catch up. The anticipation of a visit consumes each of them and they declare undying love for one another and a pledge to play nicely …..

until it happens. The inevitable war for a toy.

This morning it was the Great My Little Pony Battle of 2012. One has, the other wants … and it’s usually only because the first has it. The good news? This behavior is completely normal! Empathy, the ability to see a situation from another’s point of view, developmentally emerges at around 4 to 5 years of age. Sharing then, is not really an easy skill for any toddler to understand let alone master but exposure to the concept is an important part of development.

Looks like we’ve got a little while yet to deal with the standoffs and resulting dramas but guess what? Right now, as I type, they are putting princess stickers all over each other (oh, yes, and everywhere else) sharing from a book of pretties, giggling together like BFFs. Just figures, doesn’t it? Just look at them now!

It’s War and Peace, Toddler Style!

…. just jokes! Look how in love we are now!

Do you have any tips for teaching a toddler to be good little sharer?

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