Fashion Magazine

It's Over Already?

By Cgajid @cgajid
When we had a spare minute at the office we had a quick scan of the newspaper, there was an article in it saying: 'Put away your barbies because this is the end of Summer'. It can't be?!
But it is apparently predicted that the sunny days are over. No more chilling in the park with a picnic or having a few girls round for a late night barbecue; followed by sitting by the fire with toasted marshmallows... It just can't be?!
It took us a while to digest this news, but we couldn't help having little exciting thoughts here and there about our fabulous Autumn/Winter stock which are soon to be added to the site! We can guarantee that it will blow your vintage minds! Take control over your fingertips and click through onto our site ;)
While we are devising this exclusive collection, don't forget to head onto and get some last minute deals on our mega sale!
Keep posted to see what's hot in the vintage shop
Vinchi x

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