I’ve been dealing with allergies and other minor medical issues. That’s been bad for my exercise and many other things, but great for my reading!
I read and reviewed two books set in France, the second Marissa Meyer book, Scarlet, was one. The other is here: Book Review: Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.
I haven’t managed to review them, but I also enjoyed the YA series by Meg Cabot about the Mediator, a teenager who talks to ghosts: Shadowland and Ninth Key. Even more, I enjoyed the fantasy books Masques and Wolfsbane by Patricia Briggs.
That was a lot of fiction reading, but I also loved this biography / memoir by Karen Karbo: Book Review: How Georgia Became O’Keeffe. I finished French Women Don’t Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano. I attempted to read that in the past, but didn’t get very far so I’m pleased I was able to get through it this time and actually enjoyed it. I’ll write it up for a Weekend Cooking post on Saturday.
I had to give Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss back to the library, but I went ahead and wrote about the first third of the book that I managed to read: Book Review: Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss (Part 1). I feel pretty knowledgeable in this area but I still learned some startling facts about sugar and the way its manipulated in processed foods. Also, I learned about the sad demise of Home Economics. Never mind that I hated Home Economics in Junior High. I’ve begun to think that we need to bring it back for everyone (not just girls) and find more interesting ways to teach it than how it was taught in my day.I’ve now begun another in Karen Karbo’s Kick Ass Women series — The Gospel According to Coco Chanel. And, continuing the French them, my new lunch time book is Chocolate and Zucchini by Clotilde Dusoulier. I put another Patricia Briggs novel on my phone, Fair Game, the third in her Alpha and Omega series. It’s the same world as the Mercedes Thompson novels but about a different set of characters.
Will Read
I have a large stack of books checked out that are set in France, so I’ll probably choose one of those next. What are you reading?
It’s Monday! What Are Your Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. Be sure to check out her post today to see her selections and the list of links to all the other participating bloggers.