Fashion Magazine

It's Already A New Year!

By Georgina_clare_ @Georgina_Clare_

Unless you have been living in a hole you're whole life -see what happened there?- You are sure to know what a resolution is. These promises we make to ourselves that, let’s face it, we do not, in any way, shape of form keep. The most commonly heard include “I’m going to eat healthy this year!” “I’m giving up smoking and drinking!” and the number one most common; “I’m going to go to the gym everyday.” Sound familiar? 
Well this year I’m setting myself a target. My resolution is to write a weekly blog recording everything I love. Including; fashion, photography, film and design. Showing you outfits of the day and hot trend up and coming. To the things I’ve done in the past week; social events, actives I have attended and everything in between! I will (hopefully) be blogging every Saturday or Sunday, however some weeks I'll be uploading more than one post filled with photos and short clips. My next blog will be up Saturday 5th 2013! Filled with pictures of the news year’s party I am going to in the heart of the celebration: London. And my outfit, accessories, shoes and party guests. 

Meanwhile, I would really appreciate you subscribing and leaving me a commenting telling me what you are wearing to New Years or where you’re going.

.Georgina Clare.

It's Already A New Year!

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