Expat Magazine
Taxi Driver woke up this morning and decided it was time to liberate his allowance from his mummy's handbag. If she didn't intend for him to help himself, she shouldn't leave it in such an accessible place.
Having deposited his allowance in the Under the Sofa Cushion Bank, he went on his daily patrol around the neighborhood. Upon his return, before wiping his paws on the welcome mat outside the front door of his apartment, he surveyed the block for any suspicious passersby.
After lunch, a bowl of Royal Canine Extra Small Kibble topped with crumbled Feta and a sprinkling of Oregano, he made good use of a rawhide bone while keeping an eye on his mommy. Someone needs to make sure she's getting some work done, not just posting pictures of Taxi on Facebook!
In the late afternoon, it was time to secure the area again. He also compared the color of different patches of grass and came to the conclusion that it's pretty much the same shade of green in every garden.