Lifestyle Magazine

Is Your Wedding Business Stuck in a Rut?

By Claire

So — wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy is the most won­der­ful job in the world. It’s cre­ative and pretty and I meet lovely peo­ple who appre­ci­ate my work. Lots of nice boxes ticked and a smile on my face, and theirs! I still feel I want more though.

How do you know when it’s time to get your busi­ness out of a cre­ative rut?

  • you know you can do more, but just don’t seem to have the time
  • you admire oth­ers’ designs and cre­ativ­ity and wish you could be like them
  • you feel qui­etly sat­is­fied with what you do, but not thrilled or sur­prised by what you achieve
  • finan­cially, you’re ok: you can afford to take a day or two off and exper­i­ment with some­thing new

Am I the only one? Have you been in a rut with your wed­ding busi­ness? Climbed out of one?

My New Year’s Resolution

It’s time to get cre­ative. My friend Nia is play­ing with beau­ti­ful let­ter­ing and word art, which I love. My friend Jo has set up a lit­tle base for her wed­ding busi­ness in a beau­ti­ful new home — it’s a gor­geous space full of pretty things, full of poten­tial for projects and cre­at­ing stuff. Just by being with these two I’ve decided on my new year’s resolutions:

  • I’m going to make big, excit­ing, colour­ful cal­lig­ra­phy art
  • I’ll exper­i­ment with tex­tures and sparkles and have lots of fun
  • I’m — ooh! not sure about this yet… I’m think­ing about an Etsy shop to sell lit­tle ver­sions of my work out­side the UK.
  • It’s play­time.

I’d love to hear your expe­ri­ences of being in a rut and get­ting out! Or if you’re in a sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion, do you have an escape plan? Please share — I’m really curi­ous about any­one else’s stories!

Lots of love,

Claire xxx

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