I have always wondered how politically correct the Walmart “ethnic hair aisle” really is. In a way I find it a little segregative and frankly quite racist. Why can’t it just be called “the hair aisle”? Why Is there such a great need to categorize hair according to ethnicity? Isn’t hair simply hair, regardless of one’s skin color, age or sex? Let’s be honest, the “ethnic hair aisle” is directed towards people of a particular ahem.. let’s just say people of a particular genetic makeup.
Before you go all up in arms, let us briefly define the word “ethnic”. According to Merriam-Webster, ethnic simply refers to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background. The word “Ethnic” in essence could mean any race or nationality, African, Caucasian, Asian or whatever one may be. So why does ethnic according to Walmart have to mean people of African descent when the dictionary so clearly states that the word refers to any any group of people?
Now back to the topic at hand, I feel the use of the word “ethnic” to refer to black people in this instance is not only erroneous but also highly offensive. Hair is hair and should not be categorized according one’s ethnicity. If hair products have to be categorized, how about the “textured hair aisle” or the “curly hair aisle”, ”natural hair aisle” or even “relaxed hair aisle”?
To be honest a lot of times I find myself browsing the main stream aisle for products, some of which work better on my hair than the products from the ethnic hair aisle. So you see, there really is no need for the “ethnic hair aisle”
Do you think the “Ethnic hair aisle” is really necessary? Do you find it as offensive as I do?