Lifestyle Magazine

Is Summer 2012 a Quiet One for Weddings?

By Claire

How are you find­ing the wed­ding sea­son this year? I know of a few small wed­ding busi­nesses who are strug­gling a lit­tle more than usual — the sum­mer seems unusu­ally quiet.  My cal­lig­ra­phy enquiries are on the slow side com­pared to last year, and I have friends who sim­ply haven’t seen orders pick up over the sum­mer months as they usu­ally do.

So — a ques­tion for any wed­ding sup­pli­ers out there — how is this sum­mer for you? And if you’re notic­ing it’s qui­eter, why do you think this is? Olympics fever? Are there fewer wed­dings this sum­mer or are cou­ples spend­ing less and work­ing to tighter wed­ding budgets?

I’d be very inter­ested to hear what you think


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