Good morning bloggies! Tomorrow is Friday and it’ll be time for some weekend fun. Not that I have any exceptional weekend plans.
Max wants to take a kayaking class through REI. On Saturday each participant spends an hour or so learning about kayaking right in the Monterey Bay then they get to spend a few hours exploring the ocean. Sounds so cool right?! Well I’ve said I can’t go. My sinuses were so screwed up and painful from allergies on my old college’s campus and they are finally healing. No more pain, swelling, uncontrollable nasal drip, and endless necessity for tissues. I’m worried a potential swim in the ocean might inflame them again. Any thoughts? Maybe I should just try to go, you only live once.
This is a quick breakfast. A slice of (we think) pumpkin bread, black tea with regular milk, and a Stonyfield Super Smoothie.
One of my Mom’s co-workers made mini loaves of some kind of bread, I think it’s pumpkin except for it’s moist yet dry at the same time. So strange, because pumpkin is a really wet ingredient. I don’t think I’ve ever had dry pumpkin bread, until now.
I say “who cares” because it’s still really tasty and I’m 100% ready for fall… and pumpkin.
The smoothie was tasty. Just a nice change of pace.
Agenda- NO FITNESS!!!
I have a pretty full day today.
I need to help my dad ship out some more boxes to Crate & Barrel.
I have a meeting with a new family I might start babysitting for.
I have a list of errands to run for my mom.
I have to continue editing my Dad’s coffee table book.
And do absolutely no fitness! On Tuesday I did a circuit from the Nike Training Club and it has left me painfully sore. Yesterday I thought a light jog would help loosen up my muscles and get that lactic acid moving, and I felt great last night after but this morning I feel worse. I’m thinking a day off is needed.
I’m late so I’ve gotta fly.