Is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Elite worth it?
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3's release seemed awesome enough. Then there was all the buzz about the "Elite" game play. So what is Call of Duty Elite and is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Elite worth it?
The first question is easy. Call of Duty Elite is a new way to play multiplayer online. The free version of this new feature allows you to track your game play, change weapon classes online, and start/ join a clan. In addition to the free features, the best of the paid subscription ($49.99) includes: 9-months of the downloadable content (including MW3 maps), the ability to compete in contests for real prizes, and you can level up your clan.
Is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Elite worth it? To best answer this question, let's examine how you play the game. The question is do you play games or are you a game player? If you are the weekend gamer that does not plan to download future content, do not like to compete for prizes, and do not think that you will want to join clans (teams) that game based on things like location, then Elite is probably not worth it for you.
However, if you love to compete online for prizes, want to build clans (teams) with friends (or strangers based on likes), and want to get the most out of your online multiplayer action, then Elite is worth every penny. Also, if the past dictates the future, the updated maps and other content that MW3 plans to release will likely end up costing you more than the initial investment or $49.99 since map packs can cost $10- $15 a piece anyways.
One thing that remains to be seen is if the Call of Duty Elite servers can keep up with the demand. The release of Call of Duty Elite was met with server delays, errors, and service denials. For more on Elite's launch problems Click Here! Since we were able to finally purchase our Elite "Founder" membership, we have accessed most of the Elite content and were impressed. There are currently a couple of contests we think we actually have a chance at winning!
Once all of the Call of Duty MW3 Elite problems subside, we will enjoy shelled out along with the millions of others who have made the Call of Duty line the most loved game ever.
FREE giveaway of MW3 double XP codes - Click Here!
Call of Duty: Elite "what's included" explained Click Here!