Event: Investing in Innovation: Geomatics Growth & New Opportunities for Canadian Companies
Date: February 28, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM with registration desk opening at 8:30 AM
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Venue: Pan Pacific Hotel 999 Canada Place, Suite 300 Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6C 3B5
TECTERRA continues to invest in the growth of Canadian Geomatics companies and are planning on hosting “Investing in Innovation” in Vancouver. The 2013 event is similar to the one that they held last year in Ottawa and will be free to attend but seating is limited so you need to request an invitation from TECTERRA for the event and there is also a limit of two guests per company).

Jari Syrjarinne, senior manager of Nokia, and Chris Bedford CEO of Karo group will be this years key speakers and address issues and opportunities relating to geomatics in Canada.
Dr. Mohamed Abousalem, CEO of TECTERRA and Jonathan Neufeld, Technical Manager of TECTERRA will also be providing talks and demonstrations on how TECTERRA can help your geomatics business grow and enable you to bring your technology to market.
So if your interested in discussing leadership and entrepreneurship opportunities then do not miss these first rate speakers in the field of geomatics and leadership and an opportunity to network with other professionals in the geomatics field.
To go request your invitation from TECTERRA to http://www.tecterra.com/vancouver-february-28.html

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