Culture Magazine

Introducing the Junky Spot Exclusive Hujoo Freyr

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

I talk about Hujoo‘s a lot on this blog and why not?  They’re affordable, crafted well, and easily customizable.  Back in September, I added two new Hujoo’s in to my BJD family, Tegan and Rose-Marie, both of whom are The Junky Spot exclusive Hujoo Freya.  My Hujoo family has just grown a bit larger with the arrival of the new male anthro BJD from Hujoo, Freyr!  Sold again exclusively at The Junky Spot, Freyr has a different cat like head mold and male body.  He comes in two colors- white and light grey.  Freyr retails for $44.99 and is 23cm tall.

Here are some pictures of a few Hujoo Freyr‘s that arrived at my doorstep this week!

The Goodies!

The Goodies!

Head and Tail Pieces

Head and Tail Pieces

Freyr in both colors

Freyr in both colors



Freyr right out of the box

Light Grey Freyr

Light Grey Freyr

White Freyr

White Freyr

Freyr in both colors

Freyr in both colors

For those that like video’s, I recorded the box opening for these guys!

I’m working on getting these guys proper face ups, eyes, and clothing.  Once I do, I’ll be doing a full out video review on Freyr!

Until then, what do you think of Freyr?  Did you order one?  What kind of face up would you give him?  Share your thoughts in the comment area!

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