Biology Magazine

Introducing the Filthy Monkey-pedia

Posted on the 10 June 2016 by Reprieve @EvoAnth

Filthy monkey men is a site I'm very happy with. It provides a great way to talk about the latest discoveries in human evolution; and chat with the regulars about them. However, these long form articles aren't the best for building up a knowledge base. If you wanted to find out everything I'd written about Homo erectus you'd have a difficult time of it.

So I've decided to do all that difficult work for you. Previous articles, research I didn't talk about, and other stuff I find interesting are being amalgamated into a little wikipedia-like project I'm putting together. It's currently a work in progress but hopefully will provide a more usable resource if you want to learn about a specific aspect of human evolution.

Just go to or follow one of the links I'm sticking throughout the site to find the project.

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