Lifestyle Magazine

Introducing the Cross-Eyed Fox for Quirky Wedding Ideas, Favours and Gifts

By Claire

Owner Lau­ren got in touch to tell me how she started out sell­ing a unique range of cus­tom made and bespoke gifts and prod­ucts. She’s exhib­ited at wed­ding fairs over recent months and is really enjoy­ing cre­at­ing new prod­uct ideas for weddings.

There are a few pho­tos of items avail­able from The Cross-Eyed Fox here for you to browse, but do go and take a look through the web­site:

quirky wedding ideas The Cross-Eyed Fox (2)

Photo credit The Cross-Eyed Fox

The basis for Lauren’s entire wed­ding range is cre­ativ­ity and unique design, offer­ing brides a bespoke, beau­ti­fully made and more impor­tantly afford­able range of products.

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