Lifestyle Magazine

Introducing “rhubarb” Weddings — Michelin Rated Wedding Catering

By Claire

rhubarb” sent me a press pack to read with their bot­tles of bub­bly, so I will share that with you. If you’re look­ing for wed­ding cater­ing in the Lon­don area, then these guys clearly have a very pro­fes­sional and rep­utable busi­ness — even Hes­ton Blu­men­thal works along­side “rhubarb” cre­at­ing menus with inno­v­a­tive style.

rhubarb wedding catering (2)

Who are “rhubarb” Weddings?

rhubarb” — aside from being one of those words which looks odder the more times you type it! — is the pre­mium food expe­ri­ence brand that caters for beau­ti­ful wed­dings. They bring a unique twist to food and work closely with brides and grooms to under­stand exactly what you want. They have three events offices in Lon­don, Cran­leigh and Hen­ley. All focus on bespoke tailor-made cater­ing solu­tions for all sizes of event from char­ity galas to inti­mate dinners.

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The Lon­don events team now cater for more than 500 events per cal­en­dar year (over 80,000 cov­ers) and con­sis­tently win large and high pro­file events within the social cal­en­dar, from royal wed­dings to char­ity balls in Lon­don and world­wide.” (read more)

rhubarb” food

rhubarb” can pro­vide any­thing from a canapé recep­tion for an inti­mate num­ber of guests to a five course sit down din­ner with inno­v­a­tive food — liq­uid nitro­gen ice cream is just one of the tempt­ing treats they spe­cialise in!

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Have a look at the “rhubarb” web­site to see more mouth-watering images of their food — it looks deli­cious but what will strike you more is how beau­ti­ful the food looks! For a cre­ative wed­ding menu with real style, these guys are some­thing really special.

What makes “rhubarb” cater­ing different?

Much as I’d love to, I can’t speak from per­sonal expe­ri­ence. How­ever, “rhubarb” has an impres­sive press pack and these lit­tle quotes are tan­ta­lis­ing! (For­give me if I omit the speech marks in this list! Don’t want to wear out that area of my lap­top keypad)

  • shot glasses of Thai green curry sauce with chicken lollipops
  • lit­tle egg and bacon pies
  • elec­tric green pea pana cotta
  • savoury mac­a­roons
  • beet­root meringues
  • duck spring rolls with sweet soy dip
  • car­rot cake with orange sor­bet and spun sugar
  • pavlova moun­tains
  • mol­e­c­u­lar gastronomy
  • cof­fee, tea and petit fours served in jew­ellery boxes

Fancy a Michelin-rated chef for your wed­ding catering?

rhubarb” has an exclu­sive rela­tion­ship with sev­eral National Trust venues includ­ing Pet­worth House in Sus­sex. What’s more, “rhubarb” works with some of the world’s best Michelin-rated chefs and is able to offer their culi­nary ser­vices in part­ner­ship with “rhubarb” events -

I have one “rhubarb” brochure here which I’ll be happy to post to any bride or groom look­ing for fab­u­lously styl­ish wed­ding cater­ing. Just email me and I’ll send it to you!

For more infor­ma­tion on “rhubarb” Weddings:

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