Lifestyle Magazine

Introducing Oysterfox — Luxury and Bespoke Wedding Stationery

By Claire

Founder and cre­ative direc­tor of Oys­ter­fox, Jen, intro­duces the new con­cept of ‘BeLuxe’. BeLuxe fuses bespoke ser­vice with lux­ury design. All aspects of the cre­ative process are tailor-made. Every­thing from the weight of the hand-finished tex­tured paper, to the shade of engraved foil on the enve­lope, can be cho­sen by the bride to cre­ate some­thing truly BeLuxe.

Jennifer’s back­ground from Art Col­lege, through a Fash­ion Jour­nal­ism Degree, onto the beauty desks and fash­ion shoots of mag­a­zines includ­ing Vogue, Grazia and InStyle, means she has an eye for lux­ury fash­ion details, backed up with the tech­ni­cal skill to make any theme come to life when cre­at­ing fab­u­lous one of a kind stationery.

Find out more about Oys­ter­fox at or for more wed­ding invi­ta­tion ideas click on wed­ding sup­pli­ers in the menu at the top of the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog.

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