Health Magazine

Introducing My New and Improved Website!

By Healthhungry @Healthhungry

It’s been a long time coming people! I battled back and forth with myself about whether I should be the one to build up my website to look more like I envisioned, or find someone who could help me… People(who swear they aren’t techies themselves) kept telling me how totally doable it was, so I would think okay – I should probably figure it out. But let me give you the “in” on a little secret; one of the smartest things you can do as an entrepreneur is acknowledge where your true skills, and talents lie – and where they do not. Just because I can muddle my way through something, doesn’t mean I should! I’m so glad I listened to myself on this one! :)

I searched quite a bit for someone who could help me locally, and to no avail. In fact, they were quite sales driven – and once they heard what my budget was, they all but laughed in my face. So I went to some of my favorite blogs, and I did some digging to find out who they used. This digging led me to multiple sites later(gotta love the Internet) with a helpful article on switching to Word-press and being self-hosted… both were things I was hoping to do. At the bottom of the post were three people whose service she recommended, if you should need it. One of those people listed is who has helped me through the past three weeks of building my vision – she is an angel! Actually she’s the Blog Genie

She and I did everything via email, over 70 of them and counting actually – and she was AWESOME at getting back to me late nights, early mornings, and through the weekend too! She was so incredibly patient with my unending questions, and when I was confused she always reassured me that it wasn’t me – it was actually confusing.(I appreciate reassurance, and in this case perhaps a bit of fibbing as my mom would say, just a “little white lie”.)

New Features:

*My beautiful new logo


*Sign up for my monthly newsletter and get ten nutritional tips to stay energized in your inbox.

*Coaching options explained, and available to purchase online!

*Workshops available to purchase online.

*Events Calendar which will update you on any upcoming workshops, webinars. or seminars.

*Search feature.

*More to come!

I hope that you will find exactly what you are looking for, do sign up for the monthly newsletter, and if you have any questions – don’t hesitate to send me an email!

If you would like help with your site, contact Blog Genie and tell her Health Hungry sent you – or email me, and I’ll get you in touch!



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