You may have seen that our beautiful Daughter, whom we named Aria Paisley, was born 3 days before her due date on Wednesday 17th February, 2016.
She was born at 8:28am, weighing 7lb 5oz and measuring 51cm long.
The labor & delivery on the whole wasn't too bad.. it was longer and more 'complicated' than Sienna's but nothing huge went wrong and she was born safely without the need for a c-section (which was mentioned at one point, eek).
She is just perfect but obviously I would say that! She is smaller and longer than Sienna was when she was born so she seems so tiny compared to that, Sienna definitely felt more chubby and she was shorter and heavier. Aria also seems to have darker tones to her.. her skin and hair don't seem as fair so far and her eyes still look so dark but I know they may well change. Throughout the pregnancy we always pictured Aria with dark hair and eyes, so who knows!
I have my labor & delivery videos up on my YouTube channel already.. I think it explains the journey and what happened pretty well so I probably won't do it as a post, I don't want to just repeat everything I put in the video.
Warren was amazing support just as he was with Sienna and of course is now a proud Daddy. He just loves his girls and we love him :) We are trying breastfeeding again and I have been keeping a little breastfeeding diary so I hope to share how the first few days have gone soon.
Thank you for all your messages and comment of congratulations and well wishes, it means so much to us. I can't believe she is here.. it's been a long road to get our family of four but we have finally made it and it feels amazing. I'm savouring every second.
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