Entertainment Magazine

Interview: Positive Psychology of Selfies – Empowerment Not Narcissism

By Drpamelarutledge @pamelarutledge
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ABC10 interview Pamela RutledgeIn spite of the proliferation of selfie-taking in all kinds of contexts, people remain wedded to the idea that they are inherently bad.  Early experimentation and the overabundance of duckfaces have given way to normal types of documentation of the process of life.  Like all tools, intention and purpose define value, both to the sender and the receiver.  Taking and sharing selfies can make you more appreciative of the process of life and allow you to revisit memorable experiences by increasing your attention to the moment and allowing you to share emotion and context with people who matter to you.  Like most things, balance and mindfulness are keys to making sure your actions support your goals.

Clips from ABC10
Source: http://www.abc10.com/news/local/selfies-narcissistic-or-empowering/430385995

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