Current Magazine

Instagram Purchase As Good As Winning Roulette Play?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo Finance reports that Instagram, which Facebook purchased for about a billion dollars may be worth $35 billion according to one analyst. And based on what we just learned about Roulette on Wikipedia, 35 times your money is the most you can win in Roulette.

3 More Ways Instagram Is Like Roulette

1. Random person who followed you and thousands of other people just hopes 1 in 35 will follow them back, to appear popular.

2. Your grandmother probably doesn't know how to participate in either. She's uploading selfies at the slot machine on Our Time instead.

3. One in 35 of your friends* might have all their privacy settings set to public, just in time for recruiters to see those embarrassing end-of-semester party photos they took of you last night. So basically, posing in embarrassing pics at a party is like playing career roulette.

*not a real stat! We don't know what percentage of your friends do stuff.

Categories: Mildly Bad News

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