Fashion Magazine

Insta-tuesday #7

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
This is another week that has just flew by, where the hell is time going? I've been seeing a lot of my best friends this week and I've also moved all my things back into my mom's this week as well. Which I'm sure she'll be sick of me again after a few weeks ;)

I went on a night out with my bestie Kellie. I haven't been out in such a long time I felt like I just needed to get them dancing shoes on and dance until my feet hurt, which I did and ended up going home early cause' I was just so tired. I really can't handle this going out business anymore! 


Resembles something?

I then spent the next day with Kellie - both of us so incredibly hungover and I got to play with this messy little babba! She's so cute!!!!! aahhhhh!!!!

I also went for a few drinks with these two beautiful ladies and a much needed catch up! Again resulted in getting very drunk and a dirty hangover the next day.


MATT'S BACK! My best friend went to work in America for a few months and obviously a night out happened! I have missed this lad so much!


I cooked a very yummy stir fry for my mom and brother, Stir fry is kind of my thing in this house! It's one of the dinners I can cook successfully (lol)

This week has not just been full on alcohol I promise! It just so happens I had a weekend full of seeing my beautiful best friends! I am not a massive drinker in the slightest, I don't even like being drunk. I just can't handle it like I used to... God is this me getting old?

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