Fashion Magazine

Insta-tuesday #6

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog
This week seems to have flown by, in fact where the hell did August go? I think since quitting my job I've had so much spare time it's all just speeding by fast!

I was house sitting for my dad for a weeks whilst him and his wife was away in France. It's been nice to have a house all to myself, play grown up for a while. Although his house scares me a little night, it's all creaky and noisy. Gives me the "heebie jeebies".

I did however have the pleasure of babysitting my beautiful god daughter one weekend! She is growing up so fast! She's such a joy to have and is such a well behaved little babba. I absolutely adore her.
I've also started doing some work for Avon. Last month I went to a market with my Mom and they had a stall there, and I briefly said to my Mom I wouldn't mind doing Avon just as a little side earning and then didn't really think about it again. Whilst I'm now currently looking for another job I'd gotten so bored. I'm one of these people that has to be doing something productive with my day, don't get me wrong I like my lazy days where you literally don't get out of your pj's but I was going a little insane not working (that's where regret kicked in a little. Temporarily I'd like to add.) Anyway, I applied for Avon and whilst having a meeting with the area manager she mentioned they had a leadership role I should look at. What I really wanted to do with Avon wasn't so much door to door, I wanted to hold little parties and events and that's what really excited me about it. It's kept me busy and I am loving it. After having a phone call with my area manager again last week she was interested in me applying for this leadership role, so I looked a little into it online and soon I'll be "shadowing" my area manager and seeing what the role entails and decide whether or not it's for me. I'd love to progress in the company but again people keep dropping little negative comments about how hard it is to make it work. Now I love a challenge and I'd love to carry on with it, Mark seems to be the only person who's telling me to go for it, which I love. But what's really disheartening is people like my dad... First thing he said to me when I told him about it was "oohh think you'll struggle there" being told people find it difficult doesn't necessarily mean I will. I am easily influenced by other people, and I constantly seek reassurance from people, especially my family (my Mom in particular) I don't think it's a good trait to have and I'd love to be one of these people that think "I'll prove you wrong". I think once I see what the job entails and have a little bash at it, I'll decide then whether it's right for me or not.


One thing we've been doing a lot, is having lazy days...


This one here, is my fave. Look at him being left out :(


Last weekend we took Mark's dog out for a walk around the park and we stumbled across this little hidden away place. I've lived in this area all my life and have been going to this park for EVER and never have I seen this area of the park before! It was really tucked away, which I feel is a slight shame but then not really at the same time, it's beautiful.

Mark and I love going on little "adventures" and that's something I really want to include more of on my blog. We have loads of little cute "adventures" like this and I'd love to share them with you.


Something I need to keep reminding myself of...


Playing with the kids.


Mark's face makes my life in this picture, haha


seriously? obsessed. Someone tell me to stop.


We went for dinner this Sunday at my dad's as he came back from France on Saturday. They discovered their clock wasn't working, so he got out his box of batteries... which then I pointed out this! Actually died of laughter when we saw this!!! Oh my dad, what a hero!

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