I'm obsessed with this quote. So many of us aren't willing to give up what's holding us back whether it's that night out or that last bit of debt. Whatever it is, we let things hold us back no matter if we are aware of it or not. I didn't watch this TEDtalk. But I did see this quote RT'd from Elizabeth Gibson from her TEDtalk. And it was SO inspiring. I let so many things hold me back from what I REALLY need to be doing. And that's all my fault. Don't think it's your fault? Blame other people? Trust me I have a habit of doing that too but it's not right. Take responsibility for who you are and who or what you're allowing to affect you. It's a hard thing for me to take complete responsibility for my life, however, I've begun to do that. I've begun to fix the things that need fixing and take responsibility for the areas of my life where I have the hardest time. For example, I'm terrible at following a schedule. I need that structure though. My fiancé has been amazing in helping me set more of a schedule. Instead of letting me sleep in like I love, he helps me to see that by waking up earlier, I can better utilize my time and have more time to accomplish all of the things that I need to/want to. I've begun taking more responsibility for my health and fitness. It's funny how after high school sports (almost four years ago) you let yourself go so much because you don't have a coach telling you to try your hardest or run faster or pass better. You have to learn to be your own coach, in life, and as well as your fitness. Hope that little bit of inspiration and life story helped y'all too!So much love for y'all! xoBCC