Converse have been so popular lately and we have joined the bandwagon with these Infant Converse All Star Hi-Tops from Cloggs for Sienna. Since Sienna has been walking, I have been spending all my money on her rather than myself, she just looks so cute and I want her to have the best of everything. I also think great quality shoes are important when their feet are growing and learning to walk and run.

We got her the Charcoal color as they are a great shade for going with most outfits. I really wanted the white but they would just get way too dirty too easily so I held off, maybe when she is older we can get her the white!

The quality of the converse is brilliant, and although they are fashion/trend shoe, they are still comfortable and supportive for little feet. The sole is very thick and sturdy and Sienna has no trouble totting around in them.

A few people did bring to my attention that the fact they are mostly material can make it a struggle getting them on tiny uncooperative feet. I must admit, they obviously take a little longer to put on than her velcro shoes, but I don't find them so difficult that she never wears them. I actually think it is worth taking the time to get them on as they don't seem to come off as easily and she can't undo the laces (yet!).

I really recommend them if your toddler has been walking for a few months and you want a nice pair of shoes for Spring, that will stay on! So far we're loving them and I am sure when the Spring rolls around and there is less rainfall (I hope), she will be wearing these every day! Being material does mean they aren't great for puddle splashing but try telling that to an excited 14 month old :)

Do your little ones have Converse? How do you find them?
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