A glance at this photo wouldn’t have you guessing of the crazy that went behind making it.
This donut combines two of the most unfitting ingredients ever thought of in a challenge.
Cassava and Yogurt.
The Indonesian Foodblogger has outdone itself by challenging its members to use these two ingredients in a dish.

And if you think things couldnt get any worse, I’ve further outdone myself by choosing another fermenting component on top of my fermenting milk product (read: yogurt).
Yup, you guessed it, this donut is made from fermenting cassava.

While i would love to go on and on about the benefits of food that has been fermented, this donut is not it.
Because all the goodness in eating live organisms went out the window when i drowned these donuts in a pool of hot oil.
But what about the yogurt, you ask?
Well, the yogurt was sugared, egged and cooked to make pastry cream!
Oh wells, YOLO !

So while this donut may not be the healthiest snack.I am glad I took up the challenge to combine two incomplementary product to make a mind blowing dessert.
Here’s to you, IDFB!
Donut tape Singkong (Recipe in Indonesian)
Taken from Sajian Sedap
300 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
100 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
6 gram ragi instan
35 gram gula pasir
15 gram susu bubuk (Saya pake creamer)
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
200 gram tape singkong
1 butir telur
175 ml air es
40 gram margarin
1 sendok teh garam
minyak padat untuk menggoreng
Cara membuat:
- Campur tepung terigu, ragi instan, gula pasir, susu bubuk, dan baking powder. Aduk rata. Tambahkan tape singkong. Uleni rata.
- Masukkan telur dan air es sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni sampai kalis. Masukkan margarin dan garam. Uleni sampai elastis. Diamkan 15 menit.
- Kempiskan adonan. Timbang masing-masing 35 gram. Bulatkan. Diamkan 10 menit.
- Pipihkan adonan. Bentuk bulat lagi. Letakkan di loyang yang ditabur tipis tepung terigu. Diamkan 45 menit sampai mengembang.
- Goreng dalam minyak padat yang sudah dipanaskan di atas api sedang sampai matang. Dinginkan.
Yogurt Pastry Cream
- 2 cups strawberry flavoured yogurt (Heavenly Blush)
- 1/4 cup sugar
- Pinch of salt
- 4 large egg yolks
- 1/4 cup cornstarch
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
- In a medium saucepan, combine milk, sugar,and salt. Cook over medium heat until mixture comes to a simmer.
- In a medium bowl, whisk together egg yolks, and cornstarch. Whisking constantly, slowly pour hot-yogurt mixture into the egg-yolk mixture. Pour mixture back into saucepan, and cook over medium-high heat, whisking constantly, until it thickens (about 2 minutes).
- Add the butter, and stir into the mixture. Let the mixture cool.
- Cover with plastic wrap, pressing it directly onto the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until chilled. Pour into a pipping bag fitted with the longest pipping tip you can find at home.
To assemble:
Take a piece of the donut. Push the tip of the pastry cream filled pipping bag into the middle. Squeeze gently to fill the donut with the pastry cream
For the garnish, melt some hot chocolate over a double boiler. and dip the donut tops into it.