Hair & Beauty Magazine

Indie Sunday - Shimmer Polish

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi everyone!!
Even if you've only begun reading my blog recently, you would know that I'm a HUGE indie polish lover.  So I've decided to start a new series called Indie Sunday.  It will give you a chance to learn more about the people behind the brands I love.  Hopefully this series will be something you guys enjoy!
Up first, Cindy from Shimmer Polish!
When did your love for polish begin?Since I was a child, I always dabbled in crafts. Makeup, clothes, jewelry have always been some of my favorite hobbies. I started creating polishes because I wanted something a little different. I wanted to create a polish that had different colors that molded together.

What made you decide to start your own polish line?

I own over 300 polishes and I kept wanting something new! Most of my polishes are blends and I love mixing colors together that could create a mosaic style pattern. 
What's the inspiration behind the colors you create?I have had really supportive friends and family, I consider myself to be quite lucky. Naming my line of polishes after my loved ones is really my way of thanking them for being so wonderful. It could be anything from their favorite colors, places, flowers, colleges they attended, even their own personal requests.

How many polishes do you have in your stash?Too many lol :DHow can customers follow you on social media?Facebook: Shimmerpolish

Twitter: Shimmerpolish

Here's a pic of just some of the Shimmer beauties I've tried so far.

Indie Sunday - Shimmer Polish

Cindy makes such fun glitters!!!  I love how unique they are.  You can visit Cindy's site

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this post.  Have you tried any Shimmer polishes?

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