Hair & Beauty Magazine

Indie Sunday - Black Luna Lacquer

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi fellow nail polish lovers!!
For Indie Sunday, meet Liz of Black Luna Lacquer!
Indie Sunday - Black Luna Lacquer
When did your love for polish begin?
I've always loved to do my own nails. I was never been able to find a nail tech that would do them as I liked. So, I started to collect polish, trying something new every week.
What made you decide to start your own polish line?I love to create things, to make from scratch and built. I came across several indies that I fell in love with immediately. I did a bit of research and found it rather easy to make my own concoction :) , so I did.
Why Black Luna Lacquer?Luna is my cat's name. And she's all black. Luna is also Spanish for Moon, so I really liked the contradiction the two words created.
What's the inspiration behind the colors you create?My inspiration comes from everywhere. A movie, a song, seasons, all over.
How many polishes do you have in your stash?Wow, I think it's deff in the hundreds but below 1000 (Hi. My name is Liz and i am an addict. AND I LOVE IT!)
What is your favorite polish brand? (Besides your own, of course)My favorite.... Liquid Sky, Polish Addict, Lacquer Lust and Pure. (To name a few)
How can customers follow you on social media?We can be found on facebook and Instagram, just add /blacklunalacqur to your link and voila.I loved learning more about Liz!  Her polishes are so amazing.  Here are some of my favorites:

Indie Sunday - Black Luna Lacquer

Black Luna Lacquer - White Noise

Indie Sunday - Black Luna Lacquer

Black Luna Lacquer - Rapunz'l

Indie Sunday - Black Luna Lacquer

Black Luna Lacquer - Jaded

Aren't they gorgeous?  And these are just a few.  Liz comes out with new polishes very often and they're always pretty and unique.  You can check out her store here.
Have you tried any polishes from this brand yet?

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