There may be an improvement of fertility after miscarriage. It has been proved scientifically that the fertility of a woman is less for two months after miscarriages. After that, things return back to normal.
1 – Early miscarriage
Many a times, a woman is not aware of the causes of early miscarriages. Typically, the occurrence of miscarriage is found during 12 weeks of the abnormalities of the chromosomes. There is no detection of a specific reason. Thus, the woman is not able to carry the pregnancy. However, there are many cases where the occurrence of miscarriages is found due to various health issues. The reproductive system of the woman may be affected.
2 – Fertility after early miscarriages
It is said by the doctors that there is occurrence of a brief miscarriage in a woman. Due to this the fertility after miscarriage is increased. However, it is increased only for a short period of time. It is reported by the women that the fertility levels of women will return back to normal after the miscarriage will strike. This will start the ovulation. The functioning of her cycle is again back to normal.
3 – Time for trying again
When there is normalcy in the cycle of woman, she can become pregnant again. However, this doesn’t mean that couples can try for a second pregnancy. After miscarriages, the medical history of women should be evaluated. Her current health status should also be evaluated for determining if there is enough heat in the body for carrying the baby. Some bodies of women are prepared within 6 weeks. However, for some it takes a longer period of time.
4 – Increasing fertility after miscarriage
If the couples are ready for conceiving again, few things can be done for helping her to become pregnant. All kinds of unhealthy habits should be stopped. These include drug use, smoking and alcohol abuse. It has been reported that if high levels of caffeine are consumed, it is harmful for conception. Stress of all kinds should be eliminated. This is a major factor in success of a pregnancy. Healthy foods should be eaten. If a person experiences depression during miscarriage, the diet of a woman should be very healthy. Loss of appetite is very common for a woman. Meals should consist of healthy foods.
The doctor should be consulted if any issues regarding fertility are found. He will surely help in solving all the problems.
About the Author
Rinki rawat in this article will helps you to know about miscarriage and pregnancy. Also get more information pregnancy test from Onlymyhealth health care website.