Media Magazine

In Turkey: Newspaper Design Moves Away from Chaos

Posted on the 25 June 2011 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: It is sort of “go modular” for those usually multi layered, multi colored newspaper pages in Turkey.  My recent visit to participate in the +1T Newspaper Days seminar yields pleasant surprises.  Meanwhile, 300 plus design students in attendance at this yearly event promise that continuity for good media design is in store for Turkey.

Spoke to some 320 students at the +1T Newspaper Days conference Friday, and, as always, a great experience to see the eager, glowing faces of what may be Turkey’s next generation of media designers.

I spent the morning discussing print projects, the afternoon all about iPad news app development.  The audience was attentive, interested and full of questions at the end.

During my short stay in Istanbul, I was able to see a good sampling of the daily printed newspapers.  Unlike 10 years ago, when Turkish newspapers appeared to be competing with each other for the Most Clutter on the Page Award, I am happy to see that now there is a move afoot to produce newspapers that are better organized, including how the designers manage color.

Such titles as Zaman——sponsor of the +1T Newspaper Days seminar—-have traded chaos and confusion, as in photos overlapping texts, and texts superimposed on illustrations, with ragged text structures, for more modular , easy to follow layouts.  IN each case, however, we still have the DNA of Turkish newspapers: lots of color, vibrant energy through typography and graphic display.

Newcomers to the ranks of the well organized are the Star, as well as a smller format newspaper , Radikal.

TheMarioBlog post #794


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