Books Magazine

In My Mailbox #1

Posted on the 18 October 2011 by Thetravelingreader @travelingreadr

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It highlights all the good things to read that we’ve received recently.


So lucky to have gotten these goodies (just signed up on NetGalley last week)!

On a Dark Wing by Jordan Dane

On A Dark Wing by Jordan Dane and

Candlewax by C. Bailey Sims

Candlewax by C. Bailey Sims.


I’m a hunter, a book hunter that is. I love finding rare gems in the bargain bins of my fave Booksale (a popular book bargain chain in the Philippines) branch – Gaisano Fiesta Mall.

In My Mailbox #1

Ivy & Bean by Annie Barrows

In My Mailbox #1

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken (squeal!!!)

In My Mailbox #1

Dinotopia: Windchaser by Scott Ciencin

In My Mailbox #1

Dragon Slayers’ Academy: The New Kid at School by Kate McMullan

Spent a record time of not more than 10 minutes since my mama and I were hurrying to buy ingredients for a couple of dishes we’re cooking for the fiesta (well, okay, she does the cooking and I do the tasting..hehe) ^_^

In My Mailbox #1

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