Suffering from a chronic and life-sucking case of Man Flu, for women. Thank the Vodka Gods for Wifi.
How do I know it's man flu? Because I'm exta whiney and all woe is me, why isn't everyone dropping everything to tend to me?! The kids all have head colds too - in their usual caring and sharing way they've passed it on to me - only I have it much worse. Obviously. I feel super sorry for myself. I am sicker than anyone else. I surely warrant some killer meds and a few nights being waited on in a hospital bed. Not really, but as Man Flu dictates, I certainly wouldn't pass the opportunity up. Anyway I'm going to have to snap out of my Man Flu haze...because MY NEW BELOVED IS FINALLY BEING DELIVERED TODAY! I have not been this excited since I bought the Nespresso home. Or the time I found out about flavoured vodka. So I'm going to take a liberal dose of this:
...and then get down business and empty and farewell ye olde late 1980's fridge, cleaning under and behind it for the first time in